Thursday, December 12, 2013

Not your victim anymore.

Those who hate on me because of what others speculate. I have one question, why? You have not taken the time to sit down, speak to me directly, and get to know the person you are torturing so why are you so quick to attack a stranger? You avoid me like I'm the plague, you silently agree to the rancid whispers of my name, hell you take part in targeting me. Blindly following the black sheep into the unknown. Don't lie in your college resumes, declaring yourself as bold, righteous young citizens. You are prejudice, weak minded, and pathetic. You can't think by yourself, fearful of being shunned yourself. Kicking down others and feeding on the praise of your wimpy leader. Are you his offspring? Suckling at his tits as if his milk is the essence of life. I fear for your future children, passing these sick morals onto them. You won't be raising children, you'll be multiplying monsters. You are the offspring of Cain and Able, wicked and black souls to which no amount of cleansing will whiten again.

In your eyes I am evil, I am to be hated, I am to be purged from society. I am Sin in human form. You wish to isolate me, so that I'm the awkward, anti-social girl in the room with no one besides me, to look at me with contempt and scorn with those eyes. You desire me to be unhappy, in order for your leader to be satisfied and content. 

Bad news for you. I will not be beaten down and broken. I will not wither in the abyss of hell for your pleasure. I will not allow you to destroy who I am and what I stand for. I will not be forced into a corner and die like a mouse. You can try to victimize me all you want but I will not become your victim. I will overcome your insecurities' side effects. I will fight to the end.