Thursday, May 22, 2014

I give up too.

I confronted you and told you what bothered me. You told me to just pretend that it's something it's not and even dared to lie to me? Really? I seriously put it behind me because I believed you since you said it was only for one night. Turns out it's been multiple. Wow, just wow. I can't believe you would lie straight to my face. I shouldn't have looked out for you because I should have known it would be from you and you guys would only deny it. So, so stupid of me for thinking otherwise. I guess I mistake was putting faith and trust in you. Oh well, I live I learn.

Had the weirdest dream last night but I think I may know the reason why I had that dream. So first off I was in the forest cabin thingy where I had to travel to and fro with a car? But also via walking too. Then I was in my house? There was company over too but I was walking around naked. Like what the poop? Wasn't too bothered with it - or so it seemed at first until I saw him in it. Then I got all embarrassed and shy, like what? Quickly got clothed and the rest I don't remember except that fact that he got fat ahaha. Wore a cream or super light lime green plaid shirt with  a white undershirt and had an uber light, blondish color.I dunno but then he moved in and gave me a peck on the lips then for some odd weird ass reason I jumped on him and gave him a smooch? Weird ass dream ever.

Went to the zoo on Monday, skipped my 13 hour school day ugh but I guess it's okay as long as I don't miss anymore hours. These double shift school days are killing me though, sooo tired. Knocked out 3 chapter tests and finished reading and studying for another so I whizzed by 4 chapters today. Woot! Did 5 wraps and tips with french and nail art. Did a polish change as well as a pedicure so I had an overall somewhat productive day.