Monday, November 24, 2014

Crazy dreams.

Vivid dreams that occured in the past 3 nights in a row. Freaky.

Dream 1: Had a sexy dream with Bubz, awk but hey it's not like I meant too? Keo and I were in Japan during a murder spree. Apparently there was a serial killer on the loose. He had abducted two high school students and tortured them in an underground cave? They had weird scabs and bumps on their faces and skin, kind of like syphilis. I was still determined to take the Shinkansen and visit Steven in the suburbs of Tokyo though but never made it that far.
Dream 2: So I was babysitting these two Asian toddlers, a boy and a girl. We were at a swimming pool. I turned away for one moment and the next I see an alligator approaching the boy. I was so scared and freaked out! I screamed for the boy to swim closer to me - we were at the shallow end of the lazy river, like 4 inches in(?). I feared scaring the gator would provoke it to attack or I may hit the child. In the end it turned out that the gator was the little girl I was babysitting. Scared the shit out of me. She had a full body alligator swim costume. Weird and a bit creepy since it went from over her head and extended past her feet. Fast forward, Ami had moved out and decorated her dorm room with pink Christmas lights and teddy bears. So unlike her. Anyways I had redecorated my room as well and somehow there was a party in my room? Weird. Anyways people came and apparently someone invited Corey, Josh, and Efraim but I didn't see Corey or Josh at all just Efraim. Anyways, he ate freakin' cake with white frosting which he got all over my clothes and this yellow, sticky, substance like egg tarts and crumbs on my bed sheets which pissed the fuck outta me. I put him on full blast, bitching and chewing his ass for that oh goodness. I went off like no other on and on. Scared the poor fella.
Dream 3: Somehow there was so important epidemic going around town and I was in a motel or so? I had two boyfriends too, Keo and Ben. Ben, he was white with short dirty blonde hair and wore a hoodie. I didn't see Keo much except for once or twice. Ben was mostly with me and catered to me everywhere, felt somewhat guilty? Then I found out from Kenyon that Cody had passed away from some horrible disease with really bad skin symptoms so that was why he's been missing out on classes a lot. I felt so bad, especially since the last time I saw him was Wednesday or last week and I didn't get to just appreciate him I guess? He had passed away from some disease called Psorabolis? I dunno, but I just cried and cried. I felt so bad and sadden. I can't wait to tell him about this tomorrow in class if he shows up!