Monday, November 24, 2014


Funniest thing happened last night. So apparently Andi had told Ami to search up "400" on her phone and popped up my anniversary video. Lol, Andi had memorized it and wanted to show Ami it. She said that "He lied. He said he'd be with you forever but then he left you!" I had to laugh my ass off haha.

Ami said she's noticed with Corey, I was more animated and crazy - in a way that I was lovey dovey, jumped around, and laughed more. With Keo, I'm more relaxed and calm, more realistic? I've realized that too and it's not a bad thing. I didn't have independence nor confidence back then, now I do. I know for a fact I can do things by myself, I can survive. I aware of life's brutal truth and the things that happen and I'm fine with it. I love my boyfriend but if we were to split tomorrow I'd be okay. I'd still be strong and moving forward with life, and loving myself like I do every day.

Started cleaning and rubbing the turkey, now it's soaking and just tenderizing overnight in the fridge. Baked the pumpkin pie. Tomorrow I will began slow baking the turkey! Going to have to start early in the morning and start prepping the lasagna. Mash potatoes will be made on Thursday to ensure freshness. Need to get another pie crust as well since I have enough leftover filling for a second pie!