Monday, May 11, 2015

Just Stop.

You've probably been wondering all week how my reaction was, that's why you've been checking up to see if steam came out of my ears or what not. That's why you talking smack, hoping it'll come back to me. I really, genuinely wanted you to be happy. Hell, I'm bliss! I have a smart, hardworking guy, a job that pays very well, a scholarship to Japan. I'm thankful and very happy.
Recently, I've been pondering about you too. I wondered how school's coming for you, did you get a good paying job yet, have you grown and matured? How's Lucy doing? I miss her very much. But I can see that I was being silly.
I'm trying to let go of the past. People make mistakes, they love and they lost but they also grow. I tried to make amends, not to be buddy buddies but just so there wouldn't be awkward tension. I'm trying to start a fresh, not bringing up the past, not talking smack or bringing you into a conversation. I'm trying to respect you, because you were once someone I held very dear to me.
If you'd like me to acknowledge you in public, just acknowledge me and I will do the same.
Do good, receive good.