Friday, June 28, 2013

Deleting Cyberbully Essay

Individuals develop their social skills and achieve a sense of being connected by interacting with others face to face. With today’s technology many individuals, especially adolescents and adults in their early twenties tend to substitute face to face contact with devices or networks. At an awkward stage in life, teenagers turn to cellular devices and social networking sites to either connect or isolate others. Behind keyboards and touchscreens, people are at ease to let their guard down and share their thoughts and opinions, some being not so pleasant. It is vital to work towards deleting cyber bullying because it damages the victim, promotes prejudice on certain topics such as race, social status, and sexuality.
Cyber bullying tarnishes the individual’s reputation, self-esteem, and sense of security. The individual who is being targeted will slowly start to believe the bully’s words. What soon starts out as a small irritation issue becomes a stress factor as more people join in.  Rumors start to spread and others jump on the bandwagon, in hopes of fitting in and appearing cool or staying quiet in order to avoid the spotlight. Not only does the victim’s physical health deteriorate but so does his or her mentality health. The victim starts to think suicidal thoughts and begins to isolate themselves from others in fear of being verbally abused. When friends and family try to discourage such thoughts, the victim does not believe them in fear that it is their duty to be considerate and protect the victim’s feelings. Everywhere the victim goes and every person he or she comes in contact with is constantly doubted and is suspected of judging the victim.
Cyber bullying promotes prejudice. For instance, many Christians have the reputation of being extremely stringent and narrow minded when it comes to homosexuality. They’re seen as people who lash out and condemn homosexuals and gay marriage but not all Christians are like that. Some support gay marriage because they believe that God made certain people that way and it’s okay because they’re God’s children, God’s creature, and God has a purpose behind every decision. Cyber bullying creates prejudice through rumors and assumptions characterized by groups of people or traits. By eliminating cyber bullying, it puts a halt to cyber prejudice.

It is vital to delete cyber bullying to protect the citizens of the internet and put a stop to digital prejudice. By allowing it to continue, more and more people are harmed and a disturbance is created in the online community and offline community.