Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Been having a fever of around 101.3~101.8 since Monday morning. It always appeared that I would be better around mid-afternoon but by evening my fever would resurface again. On Tuesday morning around 11AM when I had to come downstairs to take my medicine and eat I would experience vision change. My mom would be handing me advil to take but my eyes would blacken out and I wouldn't be able to see so I had to feel around for a while. It happened more than once but each time was pretty quick, the longest lasted around 2 minutes. Went to the doctor's and he said it might be either mono or strep so they had to swab me to get lab results. It came back negative so he wasn't able to diagnose me with anything, gave me antibiotics just in case. Cobe came over to see how I was doing and later on Michelle had called me to see how I was doing and he picked up and miscommunications arose and she thought that we were in bed, together. No, that's a big no no. My fever started coming back around 10:00PM and I fell asleep around 10:30PM. Woke up around 7:00AM this morning and I wasn't able to fall back asleep until 9:00AM something. Went back to sleep around and had to get up around 11:00AM. Went downstairs and ate porridge. Took mini naps until 4:00PMish since I kept getting headaches whenever I was awake. Feeling a lot better today but I'm not sure if I'm able to go back to work tomorrow because of my canker sores and I'm not sure if I'm entirely better.