Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Growing Up.

Just having a reflection back on the past. I remember the first day of freshman year and how Mr. Clark said that these four years will whizz by our eyes before we know it, we'll be walking across the stadium. These years have really gone by fast, some days slower than others but overall fast. Freshman year, I was so ecstatic and bubbly but as time passed I grew introvert and withdrew myself from society. I didn't hang out with anybody outside of school or after school. Just said home, online, and browsed the internet. Didn't text anyone or made plans. In the beginning of winter, Jason invited me to come hang out for no particular reason even though we weren't close and I decided why not? Hesitated to ask my mom but she gave me permission and he came to pick me up. That night at the bowling alley I met so many new people, I restored a friendship with Vincent, and started hitting it up with Alex again. When the night ended, I felt what others had felt. Joy, being part of something and socializing. Jason had come to the door to personally apologize to my mom for bringing me home so late - it was like 10PM on a weekend lol. I thought it was really sweet and so did my parents which was another reason why they let me go out again two weeks later. And from then on that was how I came out of my hermit crab shell. I got boys falling over me and trying to hook up but I had my eyes set on the one who introduced me to a social life heh. Another boy stepped in though and everything changed. Sophomore year was the year of wishes, hopes, and love. The beginning was as sweet as cotton candy and lollipops with kisses. Things began to become rocky towards the winter of January and February when fears began to fester and manifest. Spring and summer were smooth with occasional bumps but the excitement just wasn't there anymore but more of tolerance. Beginning of junior year was rocky with fights and fears, the middle - loneliness, betrayal,  learning how to cope and moving on. The end? Starting anew with life again and pushing myself out in the world again. Made new friends, forgot the ones who don't matter, and focuses on my future. Senior year, I hope it to be filled with wonderful memories, old and new friends, and learning more about the world and myself.

Oh which reminds me, my fashion style as the years progressed. Freshman year consisted of the ulzzang and gyaru look, shorts and graphic tees. Sophomore year - blank tees with shorts and skirts, a very natural and soft appearance. I made very odd faces in photographs though heh. Junior year - short tousled hair with accents of blonde that had a refreshed, untamed look. In the beginning I was very chillax with my appearance. One might say a bit sloppy at times.  Started putting an effort into my appearance again with different styled outfits and accessories, especially earrings. Lost a lot of weight but tried harder to socialize and fit in. Became more studious as well. Tried different unnatural colors in my hair such as red, purple, and so on. Worked crazy hour to support my spending habits too hehe. Looking back, I've made foolish decisions, taken rash actions, but in the end it helped shape who I am now. I may not be perfect but I'm not a bad person either and I'm content.