Thursday, September 19, 2013

End of an old, start of a new.

Last year, today was the thing that set everything in motion. Today was the day, I realized I might have been in an abusive domestic relationship. The screaming, hitting objects. Maybe it was my fear that finally ticked everything off? But it was after this day that everything spiraled into one hot mess.

Today is also the passing of my Uncle Bao, on my dad's side, forever rest in peace. We may have not been close, I may have held grudges against you but matters are settled now. Rest in peace, there's no more pain nor hunger, just the warmth from Amida's light as it shines upon you and the children of Amida.

“It is hard to be born as a human being, and hard to live the life of one. It is even harder to hear of the path; and harder still to awake, to rise and to follow.”  Verse 182