Saturday, November 16, 2013

Teen Pregnancy & Poverty

Was scheduled to work from 4:30PM-12AM but I had to turn in an essay to at 11:59, not to mention I hadn't done any research or rough draft until today when I came home around 8PM. So proud of myself, did exactly 1250 words and submitted it at exactly 11:59PM. It's still pretty rough and and all but I think I did pretty well for 3 hours and 59 minutes haha! Gotta retake my test at JCCC tomorrow and bringing snickerdoodle cookies to Stacy for covering my ass tonight. She stayed back while I got off at 8PM even though she's been there since 10AM. Poor girly, she definitely deserves those cookies!

Alena Lam
15 November 2013    
Dr. Collins
AP American Government
Teen Pregnancy, a Symptom of Poverty.
News of a baby is a happy and exciting time for most parents but there is a small percentage where the news of pregnancy actually frightens them. The minority of parents who fear parenthood are children themselves. Teen pregnancy is a worldwide concern whether it is because of unprotected sex, or the portrayal of teenage parenthood has been twisted to the extent where it is desired by such television shows as “16 and Pregnant”. No matter what the reason is, little girls are still getting pregnant. There is much jeopardy linked with being a pregnant teenager as opposed to becoming pregnant when older. The burden of becoming a parent early on not only affects the teenage mother but also her family as well but that does not mean teenage pregnancy causes poverty. Instead teenage pregnancy is one of the symptoms of poverty. Teen pregnancy stems from poverty because of the lack of a good education and a sense of unacceptance.
Teenage mothers are unambiguous and by having a too relaxed mind, lead to intercourse and unexpected pregnancy. While some adolescent pregnancies were unplanned, teenage mothers are not indolent by nature. They too wish to have a bright future with many accomplishments. It is just that in the moment, they get caught up by hormones and the bleakness of their current status in life. Many people believe teenage mothers are the consequences of wild teenager girls having unprotected sex. It is true that sex is practiced more often at a younger age than in the past but that does not mean girls are becoming more promiscuous. Awareness of teenagers struggling in poverty is presenting itself through adolescent pregnancies.
Most teenage mothers are the product of a lacking environment. A child’s environment influences their behavior and way of thinking, having the ability to either nurture the child’s dream or allow it to become dormant and crushed by reality’s adversities. When the environment or community is unaware of the difficulties in the child’s efforts to strive, the child reacts to the unawareness by acting out to obtain attention or to entertain him or herself. There are many factors as to why they are unmotivated; one of the key reasons is poverty. Many people mistake poverty as a result of teen pregnancy but it is actually “a function of poverty and hopelessness” (Reimer) because their environment is at a “high level of inequality” (Rich). A majority of girls who become teenage mothers aren’t placed into poverty because of the pregnancy but they became teenage mothers due to them already being in poverty. Girls from low income families do not have faith in themselves to become something significant. “Having children at a young age does not affect” these young ladies because they are already on a “downward economic trajectory” (Kempner) since about “two-thirds of teenage mothers” are at the poverty line by “time they give birth.” (Zimmerman). Their chances of success did not plummet drastically since they were already deprived of resources needed in shaping their success. They have a “poorer sense of personal efficacy”, a “more traditional occupational expectations”, and “lower educational expectations” (Young) than those from families with higher incomes. They do not believe they can change their position in life due to their current financial standing. Teenage pregnancy stems from inequality of opportunities and unequal income. Other times “the lack of appropriate sex education” and “limited access to health resources, such as contraception” is the reason for the unexpected pregnancies (Burdette). The adolescents in poverty may not have access to the information or contraception provided because they do not have access to clinics or just don’t know about them. Other times they are influenced by their “to have sex even when they do not fully understand the consequences” (Langham). As teenagers, they want to appear sophisticated and trendy to peers. They do not understand the emotional or biological aspects that go hand in hand with the act.
Teenage girls turn to motherhood to get a sense of acceptance. As adolescence, they are always conscious of themselves and their image in other people’s eyes. When teenagers feel abandoned and isolated, “loneliness…can breed[s] resentment and risk-taking” (Hammes). The adolescents feel unneeded, useless. They turn rowdy and reckless in a sense for attention. Damaging themselves, they lower the chances to move up the social ladder. Some teenage girls living at the poverty line or even below do not believe they can compete with the crowd. The “distance between the very poor” and “those in the middle is the source of the hopelessness” (Reimer). The idea of hopelessness is not how many people are at poverty or at wealth. What counts is how large the gap between the two is. The smaller the gap or more middle people there are, the more confident one is to be able to move out of poverty and into success. If the young ladies deem their role in the world useless even when they “play by the rules,” (Hymowitz) then they will “likely to turn to motherhood…”to find meaning in a world” (Hanes). Deeming they will fail in society, they turn to cultural norm by going into motherhood to obtain a sense of value.  By being a mother, they think it will “garner [them] some positive attention…because they feel they have little chance of advancement," (Reimer). They are giving up on their own future to sufficient their child’s. They hope by doing so and exerting their efforts into the child, the child will be able to obtain and fair off better than the teenage mother.

Teenage pregnancy does not factor poverty, rather poverty factors teen pregnancy. In the present of poverty, teenage girls may not have access to contraception or correct knowledge of intercourse. By being in poverty, the girls already have a lower chance of success and have a lack of faith in their abilities to strive to success and move out of poverty. They have low expectations of themselves and turn to a traditional role. Then again motherhood at an early age does not impact their success rate significantly since their chances were already low due to their economical standing. Teenagers are unmotivated by their status and where they are at in life, believing that their role is insignificant and worthless. Other times it is a sense of loneliness and isolation that draws the girls to become mothers, to feel that sense of love, attention, and warmth which they once felt from their community. They turn to motherhood to fill a void and have a sense of worth. Other times they are misled by the media, misguidance by parents who are avoid the topic of intercourse, and peers who pressure them into sex. Teenage girls shouldn’t just be taught about protected sex and given statistics about how early pregnancy makes them live in poverty but rather assist those who are living in poverty. Pull them out of the darkness and be aware of their dreams and motivate them to obtain their goals. Making sure the girls are aware of their abilities and being encouraged helps them stay on track to complete their education, instead of steering off because they do not believe they can do it. Only when teenage girls are assisted with their poverty problems and led away from the depths of darkness will children finally be able to be children again, and the number of teenage pregnancies will dramatically decrease.

Works Cited
Burdette, Whitney. "Poverty, Low Education Attainment Lead to Teen Pregnancy, Study Finds." State Journal. N.p., 25 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. <>.
Young, Tamera M.; Martin, Sue S.; Young, Michael E.; Ting, Ling. "INTERNAL POVERTY AND TEEN PREGNANCY." The Free Library 22 June 2001. 15 October 2013 < POVERTY AND TEEN PREGNANCY.-a079251799>.
Langham, R. Y. "What Are the Causes of Teenage Pregnancy?" (n.d.): n. pag. LIVESTRONG.COM. 12 June 2010. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.
Hanes, Stephanie. "Teenage Pregnancy: High US Rates Due to Poverty, Not Promiscuity." Modern Parenthood. The Christian Science Monitor, 22 May 2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <>.
Hymowitz, Kay S. "Poor Girls Aren't Condemned to Pregnancy, Poverty." CNN. Cable News Network, 25 May 2012. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <>.
Hammes, Mary J. "Sex Education, Poverty & Teen Pregnancy." (n.d.): n. pag. Baby Gooroo. 08 Jan. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <>.

Kempner, Martha. "Poverty Causes Teen Parenting, Not the Other Way Around." RH Reality Check. N.p., 29 Apr. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <>.
Zimmerman, Johnathan. "Poverty, Not Sex Ed, Key Factor in Teen Pregnancy." SFGate. N.p., 4 Sept. 2008. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.
Rich, Motoko. "Income Inequality and Teenage Pregnancy." Economix. New York Times, 03 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. <>.
Reimer, Susan. "Case Closed: Teen Pregnancy Is Poverty's Offspring." Baltimore Sun. N.p., 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. <>.