Friday, December 27, 2013

Date Debate.

Received a call from Dani around 6:04AM, asking me to come in and open since Ravon called in, even though I was scheduled to come in at 11AM. Reluctantly I agreed because it's money and I doubt anybody else picked up when she called. Laid back in bed for a couple of minutes only to realize later on that I slept until 7:12AM. Rushed like crazy to finish, still had around 10 minutes left before departing. Came out and saw so much ice on my car, wtf. I couldn't insert my key into the hole to unlock either since it was frozen shut, even after pouring warm water into the keyhole. For a moment, I thought I was gonna have to call Dani and tell her I couldn't make it unless I got a ride but luckily I got it open after so much jamming! Got to work late but still better than never. Couldn't lock it and Dani let me borrow her antifreeze spray to de-jam it and it worked like a charm! Oh my goodness.
Been thinking about relationships lately, yeah there's an edge of why giving it another try would be beneficial but there's also the scars from the past that just stand out at you like a red light. What's the point of getting into one at this time in life anyways? I'm starting college soon and so are others, some will be setting out to far away places, all will meet new people that may be better off with someone than the person they think at the moment. A relationship will divulge my attention from my studies as well, so why? And opening up as well, how do you open up when you've been closed for so long? It's not a physical factor either so it's harder to grasp since it's so abstract. I had made a little debate about it on FB and I really liked the responses I received!

Austin's comment got chopped up but I really loved it!
"I feel that you should always be open. 
Personally, I feel people will naturally be predisposed to being closed or open, so sometimes that will simply mean don't close yourself off from everybody. 
You are likely to be hurt more often if you're open, 
I confess, but being closed won't save you from pain either. Since we're going to be hurt in life regardless, why not take a chance on love? 
No matter what you do or how you live, you will be hurt in life. Sometimes it'll be by accident, sometimes it's on purpose. But regardless of how many ways or times we're hurt in and at, we have to remain open or we'll just become shriveled, puny, grumpy people, who refuse to love. People who refuse to love will rarely receive love. So, in most cases, a person won't love you [be open towards you] if you're not loving [open]. 
The way I see it, you can be closed and experience less pain, but also have drastically less love. Alternatively, you can be open and be hurt more by others, but you will also have the opportunity for greater love in your life. 
Furthermore, it is to our benefit to experience greater pain alongside love. There must be opposition in all things, otherwise they would cease to be. If you were never sad, you could never be happy. If you were never hurt, you can never love. Ergo, the more pain you experience, the greater your capacity for love is. 
In the end, I feel that since you're experiencing pain either way, why not experience it in a form that allows you to better experience and savor love? Why cripple yourself and prevent yourself from loving, especially since you'll still end up hurt from time to time? If you can't love, then why would you bother to continue living such a dreary and droll existence? Love is what life ultimately boils down to, so it's no contest for me. I'll be one-hundred percent open, no matter how many scars I accumulate or how many tears I shed."

Been also reflecting on my past. I really cannot tell if I'm over him or not. He's just another person to me and I really don't have that piercing feeling I get when I think about him, I just don't want to see him face or anybody involving him. But am I ready to open up? I'm not sure if I want to just yet. And when a certain someone kept mentioning Cobe and basically guilt tripping and pressure me into a relationship. I absolutely hate that. I hate others trying to influence my love life. I don't care if a million people doubt or believe in a relationship I may be in because it consists of two people, not one more or less. Conflicts and issues are to be dealt between the two. Sometimes, this is one of the major reasons why I may keep my relationship in the dark because the less people that know about it - the less they can stick their input into it. It makes the person they're trying to praise a turn off to me and I just want to escape whoever they're praising and them.

Biết em không về, tình cũng không quay về,
I know you won't return, I know our love won't return.
Biết anh nơi này đã mất người.

I know when saying this, I have already lost you.
Em đã thay lòng không yêu anh nữa rồi mà sao anh vẫn cứ nhớ.

Your feelings have shifted, no longer loving me yet I keep longing.
Và anh biết em bây giờ chỉ mong anh nơi này chia đôi cuộc tình của đôi mình.

And I know you only hope that I suggest breaking up.
Và anh biết anh dại khờ vẫn yêu em đắm say,

And I know I'm naive for still loving you endlessly.
Con tim anh sao quá ngu ngơ.

Why is my heart so foolish.
Bao nhiêu năm qua con tim yếu đuối,

So many years, my heart is weak.
Bao nhiêu yêu dấu chỉ trao đến em

So much love has been given to you.
Mà tại sao em vẫn đi mà tại sao em vẫn làm anh đau.
Why do you leave, why do you hurt me so.
Một cuộc tình tan vỡ dù 1 người hạnh phúc

A broken heart even though one person is happy.
Còn 1 người rất đau mà em đâu hay biết.

While the other is really hurt, do you know that?
Nơi chốn này anh vẫn luôn mong chờ

In hopes, I still wait.
Ngày mai em quay về bên anh.

Tomorrow you'll return to me.
Một cuộc tình tan vỡ dù không ai mong muốn

A broken heart, no one wanted that.
Mà anh vẫn phải tin rằng em đã quay bước sẽ không trở về..

But I have to believe that you've left and will never return.
Phải cố gắng chấp nhận rằng em không quay về đâu.
I have to accept that you won't return.

Biết a không về, tình cũng không quay về,

I know you won't return, I know our love won't return.
Biết a nơi này đã mất người.

I know when saying this, I have already lost you.
a đã thay lòng không yêu e nữa rồi mà sao anh vẫn cứ nhớ.
Your feelings have shifted, no longer loving me yet I keep longing.
Và e biết a bây giờ chỉ mong e nơi này chia đôi cuộc tình của đôi mình.

And I know you only hope that I suggest breaking up.
Và e biết e dại khờ vẫn yêu a đắm say, 

And I know I'm naive for still loving you endlessly.
Con tim e sao quá ngu ngơ.

Why is my heart so foolish.
Bao nhiêu năm qua con tim yếu đuối,

So many years, my heart is weak.
Bao nhiêu yêu dấu chỉ trao đến a 

So much love has been given to you.
Mà tại sao a vẫn đi mà tại sao a vẫn làm e đau. 

Why do you leave, why do you hurt me so.
Rap :
A sẽ không quay về đâu , a sẽ không quay về đâu

I won't return(2x)
Chỉ mình e mang nỗi sầu trong từng đêm thâu

Only you will harbor sorrow in your bosom in the nights to come.(Guy's POV)
Có 1 thời gian qua mau , có 1 thời gian qua mau

Time passes by quickly (2x)
Để quên đi nỗi đau , để yêu thương úa màu

To forget the pain, love's color will fade
Cầu mong ngày mai nắng lên

Pray that the sun will rise tomorrow
Xua đi bóng đêm buồn đau

To wash away the night's sadness
Xua đi nỗi đau trong lòng

Wash away the pain
Để e thôi chờ mong , để e thôi hy vọng

So you won't wait, so you won't hope
Và quên đi những ngày tháng đắm say

And to forget our loving days
Những làn môi hôn ngất ngây

The ecstasy our lips shared
Mình có nhau nơi này…

We have this burden

Sẽ mãi ko quay về và người sẽ mãi ko quay về

I won't return and they won't return
Chỉ còn mình e nơi đây ngồi lặng nghe chua cay

There's only me left, sitting here listening to the sour sorrows.
Yêu dấu nay như áng mây

This love's pain is like a dream
Tìm đâu khi xưa ta nồng say

Hurting from the bittersweet memories of the loving days.
Những môi hôn ngất ngây

Each kiss like ecstasy
Húuuuuuuuuuuu u…. y yeahhhhhhh.