Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Connective: fibrous tissue that binds, protects, and supports parts of body. Ex. Bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, fat/adipose tissue 
Epithelial: protective covering on body surface. Ex. Skin, mucous membrane, lining of mouth, heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and glands. 
Muscle: contracts and moves parts of body. 
Nerve: carries messages to and fr brain and controls coordinates all bodily functions. Ex. Neurons

Skeletal system 
206 bones
Os - bone
Foot:26 bones - 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals, 14 phalanges 

Muscular system
Mycology: structure, function, disease of muscle
Striated/skeletal: voluntary or conscious controlled. Ex. Maintaining body posture, protect internal organs
Non striated/smooth: involuntary. Ex. Digestive or respiratory systems
Cardiac: involuntary of heart. 

3 parts of muscle: 
Origin-attached to skeleton and doesn't move
Insertion: more moveable. 
Belly: middle of muscle 
*pressure applied during massage is to origin and insertion only

Pectoralis major/minor: muscle of. Jest that assist the swinging movements of arm.
Trapezius: covers the back of neck and upper and middle region of back. Rotates and controls swinging movements of arm.
*Attach arms to body 

Biceps: contour front and inner side of the upper arm, lift forearm and flex elbow.
Deltoid: covers shoulder joint, allows arm to extend outward and to side of body.
*Muscles of shoulder and arm

Extensors: straightens the wrist, hand, and diggers to form a straight line.
Flexors: involved in bending of wrist.
Pronators: turns the hand inward to palm faces downward.
Supinator: rotates radius outward and palm upward.

Abductors: separates fingers.
Adductors: draws fingers together.
*Muscle of hands

Nervous System
CNS: consist of brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, cranial nerve. (5 senses)
PNS: both sensory and motor nerves. Carries messages to and from CNS.
ANS: controls involuntary muscles.

Brain: < 3 lb
Spinal cord: portion of CNS which originates in brain, extends to rear.
Axon/terminal: sends impulses from cell body to other neurons.

Nerve types 
Sensory/afferent: carry impulses and messages regarding 1/5 senses
Motor:efferent: carry to muscle or glands

Top chambers: left/right atrium
Bottom chambers: l/r ventricles
Valves: gate of blood flow, opens and close passage.
Pulmonary: sends heart - lung - heart.
Systemic: sends oxygen rich throughout body and back to heart.

Red&white cells, platelets, plasma(90% h20&protein/sugar), hemoglobin