Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fading dreams.

Been having really weird dreams that I haven't been able to recall and it's really frustrating me! I can only remember that he was in it and somehow his mom as well? Something about meeting at a house and escaping to another destination. They were all packed up and ready to go in a car and I had helped them. I couldn't get everything of mine out in time. My house had blown up in flames and I just bawled and screamed my heart out. I cannot remember to save my life what it was but it was really important to me and I just had to get it, I needed to bring it with me wherever it was I needed to go. Weird. I haven't really had these kind of dreams where you kinda just bawl and scream your heart out. I know it's a way for me to subconsciously deal with anger and grief but I didn't feel like I had any?  
Got my flu shot yesterday at the GVC. Saw Tommy so that was cool. I hadn't been back there since the year I had went with him. Filled out the paperwork for everyone. They didn't have the nasal sprays this year so I had to settle with a shot but the guy who did it was pretty chill, didn't hurt or leave my arm sore. They had high blood pressure testing, diabetes, and other things. I was going to test myself for diabetes since it's in my family history but the fact that they did it on my finger tip made me weary. I don't care if it's a little pinch or whatnot. I was going to do clients later on and I know my gloves tend to rip from time to time so I ain't gonna risk catching no freakin' Ebola and yes I know how Ebola gets contracted - I study the freakin' illness two years ago - at a molecular level too. Just don't wanna risk anything. I'd prefer if they just drew blood from me the good ol'e fashion way.