Sunday, December 14, 2014

Burning out.

Ugh, I am so burnt out. Everyday it's either technician in the morning at 9AM to whenever then waitress from 5PM to almost 11:30PM or vice versa. I am so tired because I don't even have a break between either jobs because after one I rush to the other. Today when I went to FT I was dead and tried so hard to keep awake but I had no energy. Driving home was pretty difficult. It's suppose to be winter break but I don't have a day to myself where I can just rest and relax. Originally I was thinking of keeping this going until around the middle of Febuary but I don't think I can last that long. I'll be putting in around 25 hours at the restaurant, 30 or more at the salon, and 13 at school once school starts. Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. I'm already struggling without the 13 hours of school. I guess once school rolls around I will have to put in my two weeks prior and the salon will need me as well since one of the technicians is leaving to visit Vietnam. 
Blah, I've barely started but this is just wearing me down. I think my eye bags are coming on heh. Guess I'll have to start using the mud mask again if I ever stop being lazy. 
Found this 4'6"-5' teddy, it was $60 and I wanted it so bad but my mom said no to ME buying it. And ya know what? Less than an hour later someone else bought it. Sigh. 

Watched guardians of the Galaxy with the kids and Alex started crying BC of groot's sacrifice. Awh, he's such a softie at times.